Overley Hall places great emphasis on creating a strong ‘culture of safety’ through embedding safeguarding into everything we do. We believe this culture starts at the top of the school with the senior managers pledging their absolute commitment and support including ensuring the resources are available to make it happen.
We believe the culture of safety is fully embedded into our ethos, aims and values. As well as been driven and guided by robust policies and systems with a strong focus on keeping our learners and staff safe, our ethos, aims and values are very much scaffolded by a strong ‘safeguarding vision’ which we believe leads to:
Please click on the highlighted words above to find out more about how we safeguard our learners here at Overley Hall School. You can also look through our list of, Safeguarding links.
To find out more about our policies which help to safeguard our learners, click here and read the following policies:
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Behaviour Management Policy
Counter Bullying Policy
Curriculum Policy
Online Safety Policy
SEND Information Policy
SEND Policy
Data Protection Policy
Overley Hall School’s Model For Dealing With Child-on-Child Abuse – Procedure
Overley Hall’s Model Well-being and Low Level Concern’s Procedure
In addition you can learn more about safeguarding by clicking and reading the following documents:
Guidance about Mental health and behaviour in schools
Guidance about preventing youth violence and gang involvement
County Lines Guidance
What to do if you are worried a child is being abused
Information sharing advice practitioners safeguarding services
Contextual safeguarding.org.uk
Relationships Education Relationships and Sex Education RSE and Health Education
Use of reasonable force in schools
Reducing the need for restraint and restrictive intervention