Wellingtonia Children’s Home
Wellingtonia children’s home is a registered provision which shares the site with Overley Hall School. The children’s home provides care for young people of both genders, from age eight to nineteen. The provision caters for young people with complex needs, most of whom have a number of diagnoses which may include two or more of the following: Autism, learning difficulties, Downs syndrome, Epilepsy, Anxiety Disorder, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, emotional difficulties and attachment conditions.
The children’s home can provide accommodation for up to twenty two young people, spread across 5 family environments.
Our Ethos
- That every young person deserves to feel valued and to live in a safe, structured and caring environment which is caring, homely and nurturing
- Our young people will receive the best quality of care from a care team who are skilled, committed and protect the young person from abuse and neglect.
- Our young people’s individuality is recognised and celebrated and from which we build upon their strengths
- We promote equal opportunities for all young people and staff regardless of ability, disability, gender, sexual orientation, religion or ethnicity
- To promote positive working relationships with parents, guardians and extended family to maximise the support our young people receive; sharing strategies and agreeing outcomes to maximise consistency
- We plan for progression, recognising and celebrating every small step achieved on their journey
- Work proactively through planned responses and less reactively
Our Outcomes
- For young people to develop their communication skills enabling them to express their thoughts, feelings and aspirations.
- For young people to become more proficient in initiating engagement with staff, family and peers.
- For young people to develop social skills and awareness and eventually leave us more emotionally resilient and better able to self-regulate their behaviour; improving their chance of living with greater autonomy and independence.
- For young people to develop personal skills to increase independence reducing their reliance on others in their future lives as far as is practicable.
- For young people to develop their confidence and self-esteem and relationships between themselves and adults.
- For young people to develop enabling them to live more ‘inclusively’ with families, where possible, and as part of communities and/or in the community.
- For young people to live more meaningful lives due to their developed independent living skills.
- For children and young people to progress with the independent thinking and problem solving skills through experiential learning.
We recognise that the most important tools we have to help our young people to grow and develop is the team. We are aware that our ability to relate to our young people in a sensitive, caring and consistent manner is the most important contribution we can make to their development.
Across Wellingtonia Children’s Home, we offer a ‘person centred’ approach with the young person at the heart of everything we do. We tailor the way we work to meet the young person’s individual needs, strengths, aspirations and interests. We draw from a range of methods, which include: Attention Autism, Forest School, Intensive Interaction, Theraplay, PACE (Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity and Empathy) and sensory play.
When young people arrive at Wellingtonia Children’s Home, our first priority is to provide a therapeutic environment and culture, which is safe, warm, nurturing, yet structured. Empowering the young people to begin to take responsibility for making decisions and expressing their views.
To achieve this, we:
- Provide the young person with a living environment which is appropriate to their individual needs and which reflects their preferences where possible.
- Ensure, through the provision of a safe and secure living environment, that young people are given the opportunity to build confidence and develop trusting relationships. Enabling them to begin to access the continuous curriculum, which runs across care and school.
- Support the development of the young people to enable them to express their views, wishes and feelings and to enable them to make choices.
- Provide stimulation and opportunity through daily programmes tailored to meet individual needs of young people.
- Plan for progression and measure progress across specified activities and in specified areas of individual need.
- Involve the services of external consultants often by setting up service level agreements including CAMHS, Psychology and future focus as appropriate to meet individual health needs.
- Support young people to transition seamlessly into adulthood and eventually moving on from Wellingtonia through planned transition planning.
I truly believe we are a world class service, from the environment to the documentation, from the tireless planning to the delivery of consistent support, from the relationships we have with all of those attached to those in our care. I am passionate about our work and strive every day to do my best so that those I support, staff and young people, families or colleagues, can rest assured that they are receiving the very best that there is for those most important to them.
Lee Rosenwink Deputy Registered Manager – Wellingtonia Children’s Home
We believe that our young people will make the most progress if care, school, therapy and parents work towards common and agreed goals and that our strategies are therapeutically applied. Therefore, our approach is that of an ‘integrated’ nature with our therapy team fully involved across both care and education. Therapy are also there for parents, staff and young people
Bradley Crook Clinical Psychologist