Robust governance has a positive impact on school improvement
We believe governance provides our school with:
Although governance is newly established, the board has sharp oversight of all aspects of the school’s work. It provides appropriate challenge and holds school leaders to account for school improvement. Meetings are well attended and focus on key aspects of the school’s performance
Ofsted 2019
What is the role of the Governing Body?
The role of the Governing Body is an intrinsic part of the leadership of the school. It exists to improve educational standards so that our learners have the best possible chance to realise their full potential. Their purpose is to:
Seek out information, ask questions, gently challenge and provide constructive advice to make the school the best it can possibly be.
Act as a ‘critical friend’ to the Head Teacher and Senior Leaders to help find solutions and to improve outcomes.
Oversee the management side of the school and provide strategic guidance to support the school’s development to ensure the vision of the Head Teacher is fully embedded, and enabling all at the school to thrive. They do this by reviewing policies and practice and help prioritise areas for further development.
Enable the school to run as effectively as possible working alongside senior leaders and supporting teaching staff to provide excellent education to children.
Our role is to be supportive and not to intervene in to the day to day running of the school. We aim to work in partnership with the Head Teacher, the Senior Leadership team, Middle Management and the staff of the school in a supportive capacity, and act as a critical friend. We hold leaders to account for the educational performance of the school, staff and its pupils by setting challenging targets. We also set targets for school which we systematically monitor and formally evaluate the outcomes. We oversee the financial performance to ensure money is being well spent and positively impacting on the school and the children’s performance.
What is expected of a Governor?
A commitment to attending Full Governing Body meetings once per term which consider issues such as the school vision, school functioning, finance and educational outcomes.
Attend committee group meetings you are associated with which also take place termly
To become involved in the school community, carrying out classroom observations, audits, getting to understand the school experience.
To be a critical friend, challenge and steer.
To work in partnership with the Head Teacher and the staff of the school and not to intervene in the day to day running of the school.
To attend relevant training and use Modern Governor and The Key to upskill online.
The function of Governors during visits to the school include:
Establishing and developing effective relationships with the staff.
Developing a greater understanding of the needs of the learners.
Monitoring the effectiveness of safeguarding systems.
Recognising and celebrating success.
Increasing their first-hand knowledge of the school which will inform strategic decisions.
Monitoring the implementation of the School Improvement Plan and financial commitment.
Developing a greater understanding of the environment in which staff work and learners experience.
Observing the policies and schemes of learning in practice.
Finding out what resources are being used, and what resources are needed, ensuring good value for money.
Showing support and encouragement to staff and learners.
Demonstrating that the Governing Body is contributing to the school’s self-evaluation process.
Complete a Governor’s report following a visit and feedback to the Head Teacher.
We believe school leadership and management is further enhanced by:
Working closely with a School Improvement Partner, Sarah Morgan (SIP).
Active School Councils
Purchasing a package of support from Child and Adolescent Mental health (CAHMS) (Service Level Agreement).
Service level agreement with Future Focus (Telford and Wrekin).
We subscribe to The Key for School Governors.
Safeguarding Service Level Agreement 2019-present with Telford and Wrekin
Subscription to the ‘Modern Governor’ which is a provider of online professional development for governors.
Membership with National Association with Special School (NASS).
Networking opportunities with similar schools through being part of the Independents Heads Forum.
Working groups made up of a mixture of internal and external consultants/specialists. These include: Sixth form management; Clinical governance; Health and safety; Business management; School improvement; COVID 19 management;
The regulatory body OFSTED and Department for Education (DFE).
Virtual Schools from all placing authorities.
Governors also sit on a range of committees. These include:
Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
Safeguarding, Behaviour, Health and Safety
Finance, Personnel, Premises and General Purpose
Contact Details of Overley Hall School Governors
If you are interested in becoming a governor, call Bev Doran on TEL: 01952 740262 Ext 6.
No particular qualifications are required, but you must be 18 or over, committed and willing to give up your time, work collaboratively and as part of a team.